Hiya folks thanks for joining us in the virtual RGM lounge today, grab a brew and take a seat.
What made you decide that music is a thing for you?
I’ve always been around music and people that played instruments from a very young age. But, besides that exposure, I was always a big music listener. I started consuming large amounts of music at a young age. I have always really enjoyed everything about bands and music. The art, the sounds, the unique styles, the thought-provoking ideas. I’ve always been drawn to the idea that there are generally no rules with creating music. All of that combined made it an endeavor to be consumed by.
Introduce us to the members of Riven By Ravens and your musical history?
Riven by Ravens is currently just two members. Brian Havrilla (vocals, guitars) and Paul Wilson (me) (drums and piano). We started the project with the intent to record a single and it led to a 14 song album. We wrote, recorded and produced all our music to date.
What was life like for you before music?
Who remembers birth?
What was the first song you heard that steered you into a music path?
Oh boy here come the Tool references. I have to say, I will never forget the first time I heard Tools song, “pushit,” on the bus ride home in 8th grade. I had a mixed tape bootleg copy a friend made me with the album on it. Hearing that song changed everything! That album changed everything. I was so moved by that record I feel like my vision changed. I fell in love with them as a band and what I really felt was inspiration.
Where do you feel you currently sit within the music industry?
Back of the bus.
Whats the biggest thing you have learned from someone else in the industry?
I’ve never met Rick Reuben but I love his interviews and his books. He had a great quote one time in an interview where he said something about the idea that the audience always comes last and people don’t even know what they like or want. Meaning, make what you think is good and interesting to you without compromising for any reason and with zero expectations from anyone. I really like that. The other thing is persistence. Just keep going.
Read the full interview by clicking below